Bronze Star Medal Army Veteran and Tepper alumnus Dave Ciesinski, will share leadership lessons and pearls of wisdom from the path he took from Carnegie Mellon graduate student to now President & CEO of a billion-dollar company.
Imagine the day when you're leading an elite organization. What is it like to lead through crisis? In what manner does corporate innovation play a role in success behind iconic brands? What tips should students keep in mind when they lead through acquisition? How is family life navigated from the C-Suite?
Come learn what it looks like to deliver accomplishments from top-quartile financial results to world class workplace safety results.
Dave has had a robust career rising through the ranks at Lancaster Colony Corporation (Nasdaq: LANC) and T. Marzetti Company, Kraft, H.J. Heinz and as a Frist Lieutenant in the Army. Dave and his wife Trish have six children and they reside in Columbus, Ohio.
This is an in-person event. A lunch will be available following the talk for those who attend.
Tuesday, November 19, 202412:00-1:00 PM. EDTRoom: PNC Rooms, 2nd Floor
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